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GeoSpace • Free Webflow HTML website template • 2021 • By JP

This startup wants to build VR headsets with 'human eye-resolution'

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Earlier this month, Google virtual reality head Clay Bavor discussed the company’s efforts on a mind-boggling 20 megapixel screen that was currently under development. The screens would be a staggering 17x resolution improvement on displays in current generation VR systems like the Rift and Vive. They would also be totally unusable, because at the frame rates needed for VR, such displays would burn through 50-100 GBs of data per second.The key for working this out would be utilizing a technology called foveated rendering to track where a user’s eyes are looking and ensure that only the area at the center of their vision is being rendered at full resolution.While this will undoubtedly be a technology that enables the future of high-end VR, it’s still one that relies on expensive displays that aren’t even widely available yet.

A Finnish startup is positing that they’ve come up with a way to bring human-eye level resolution to VR headsets through a technique that will direct a pair of insanely high-resolution displays to the center of your vision. With current technology, the company claims this will enable perceived resolutions north of 70 megapixels.Varjo, which means “shadow” in Finnish, is looking to bring this technology to higher-end business customers by next year at a price of “less than $10,000” according to the company.

This startup wants to build VR headsets with 'human eye-resolution'

Photo by Artem Podrez from Pexels

Photo by Ivan Samkov from Pexels

Why show off this tech now? Largely because the company is currently raising cash stateside and was just awarded a few patents related to these technologies last week.I had the chance to demo a prototype of the company’s technology last week using a modified Oculus Rift headset with Varjo’s display systems embedded.I suppose the best testament to the company’s technology was that I spent most of the demo questioning whether my eye sight had actually been improved. After being dropped into an apartment scene, I was almost disturbed by my ability to read the spines of books on bookshelves several feet away.

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GeoSpace • Free Webflow HTML website template • 2021 • By JP
3 — 3
GeoSpace • Free Webflow HTML website template • 2021 • By JP

This startup wants to build VR headsets with 'human eye-resolution'

Originally from

Earlier this month, Google virtual reality head Clay Bavor discussed the company’s efforts on a mind-boggling 20 megapixel screen that was currently under development. The screens would be a staggering 17x resolution improvement on displays in current generation VR systems like the Rift and Vive. They would also be totally unusable, because at the frame rates needed for VR, such displays would burn through 50-100 GBs of data per second.The key for working this out would be utilizing a technology called foveated rendering to track where a user’s eyes are looking and ensure that only the area at the center of their vision is being rendered at full resolution.While this will undoubtedly be a technology that enables the future of high-end VR, it’s still one that relies on expensive displays that aren’t even widely available yet.

A Finnish startup is positing that they’ve come up with a way to bring human-eye level resolution to VR headsets through a technique that will direct a pair of insanely high-resolution displays to the center of your vision. With current technology, the company claims this will enable perceived resolutions north of 70 megapixels.Varjo, which means “shadow” in Finnish, is looking to bring this technology to higher-end business customers by next year at a price of “less than $10,000” according to the company.

This startup wants to build VR headsets with 'human eye-resolution'

Photo by Artem Podrez from Pexels

Photo by Ivan Samkov from Pexels

Why show off this tech now? Largely because the company is currently raising cash stateside and was just awarded a few patents related to these technologies last week.I had the chance to demo a prototype of the company’s technology last week using a modified Oculus Rift headset with Varjo’s display systems embedded.I suppose the best testament to the company’s technology was that I spent most of the demo questioning whether my eye sight had actually been improved. After being dropped into an apartment scene, I was almost disturbed by my ability to read the spines of books on bookshelves several feet away.

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GeoSpace • Free Webflow HTML website template • 2021 • By JP
3 — 3
GeoSpace • Free Webflow HTML website template • 2021 • By JP

This startup wants to build VR headsets with 'human eye-resolution'

Originally from

Earlier this month, Google virtual reality head Clay Bavor discussed the company’s efforts on a mind-boggling 20 megapixel screen that was currently under development. The screens would be a staggering 17x resolution improvement on displays in current generation VR systems like the Rift and Vive. They would also be totally unusable, because at the frame rates needed for VR, such displays would burn through 50-100 GBs of data per second.The key for working this out would be utilizing a technology called foveated rendering to track where a user’s eyes are looking and ensure that only the area at the center of their vision is being rendered at full resolution.While this will undoubtedly be a technology that enables the future of high-end VR, it’s still one that relies on expensive displays that aren’t even widely available yet.

A Finnish startup is positing that they’ve come up with a way to bring human-eye level resolution to VR headsets through a technique that will direct a pair of insanely high-resolution displays to the center of your vision. With current technology, the company claims this will enable perceived resolutions north of 70 megapixels.Varjo, which means “shadow” in Finnish, is looking to bring this technology to higher-end business customers by next year at a price of “less than $10,000” according to the company.

This startup wants to build VR headsets with 'human eye-resolution'

Photo by Artem Podrez from Pexels

Photo by Ivan Samkov from Pexels

Why show off this tech now? Largely because the company is currently raising cash stateside and was just awarded a few patents related to these technologies last week.I had the chance to demo a prototype of the company’s technology last week using a modified Oculus Rift headset with Varjo’s display systems embedded.I suppose the best testament to the company’s technology was that I spent most of the demo questioning whether my eye sight had actually been improved. After being dropped into an apartment scene, I was almost disturbed by my ability to read the spines of books on bookshelves several feet away.

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GeoSpace • Free Webflow HTML website template • 2021 • By JP

Відповіді на головні питання

Як я можу вибрати відповідний продукт Milbon для мого типу волосся?

Ми пропонуємо широкий асортимент продуктів для різних типів волосся та проблем. За детальною інформацією та консультацію ви можете звернутися до менеджерів компанії.

Чи є у вас продукти для боротьби з втратою волосся?

Так, у нашому асортименті є продукти для вирішення проблем втрати волосся та стимуляції росту. Дізнайтеся більше про нашу лінію Scalp для зміцнення волосся та проблем зі шкірою голови на нашому веб-сайті.

Що можете порекомендувати для об'єму волосся?

Для збільшення об'єму волосся можна використовувати шампуні та кондиціонери, які містять компоненти для збільшення об'єму, наприклад, протеїни та амінокислоти.
Лінія Об’єм (Volume),
Шампунь + кондиціонер
Використовуйте спеціальні засоби для створення об'єму при укладанні волосся. Різні пінки та муси можуть допомогти створити об'єм та фіксацію.
- Спрей №4 для створення обʼєму (Thinking Mist)
- Мус для кучерявого волосся (Wave Enhancing Mousse)
Застосовуючи ці методи та використовуючи відповідні засоби, ви можете досягти більшого об'єму та живості у вашому волоссі.

Чи підходять продукти Milbon для
фарбованого волосся ?

Так, у нас є продукти, які розроблені  для захисту та підтримки яскравості фарбованого волосся.
Для швидкого відновлення рекомендуємо пройти курс процедур у салонах краси від Milbon - Відновлення ( Repair) та 3воложення
(Moisture). Вони допоможуть
відновити структуру волосся за допомогою активних інгредієнтів, таких як гідролізований шовк, гідролізований кератин, рослинних екстрактів.

Як можна придбати продукцію Milbon ?

Продукцію Milbon для домашнього використання можна придбати в салонах - партнерах. Для професійного використання та за детальною інформацію звʼязуйтесь з офісом компанії.

Нашим партнерам

Компанія «Делайт Дистриб’юшн»  є офіційним дистрибʼютором японської професійної косметики для волосся Milbon на території України.
Співпрацюючи з нашими клієнтами, ми керуємося довірою та взаєморозумінням, орієнтуючись на довгострокове партнерство та високий рівень сервісу. Ми відкриті до співпраці з салонами краси та майстрами, що працюють у Beauty просторі.

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